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Date: 18 July, 2021

While there is more to witchcraft than casting spells, it's hard to deny that spellcraft still plays a key part and is often how many of us start out in the magickal arts. Lighting a thousand candles and reciting just as many beautifully rhyming words will not, in themselves, get the job done. It takes concerted and consistent effort to develop, hone, and maintain the skills and abilities that are necessary to make the magick go. Yet the ability to work effective magick is there for us all, and by making simple changes in your approach, you can create deep...

Date: 18 July, 2021

At fifty, entrepreneur and seasoned workaholic Batoul Ajlouni reached the very height of her career, her middle age, and the lowest point of her life. The endless passion and zeal she once had for work and life have all but disappeared. Confused and anxious about her never-before situation, she is faced with a life-changing decision to make: Does she listen to the business-executive in her head, tough it all out and continue with the successful career she had spent half her life building? Or does she follow the free-spirit inside her heart, sacrifice everything she has ever worked for, and...

Date: 17 July, 2021

When Austrian President Franz Jonas visited the Vatican in 1971, Pope Paul VI named Austria “the Island of the Blessed.” He did so to emphasize Austria’s steep recovery. Only twenty-five years had passed since the end of the Second World War, and Austria was already one of the most prosperous European countries. One might argue that Austria was always a rich country, and during the times of its Habsburg rulers, it certainly was. But after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was lost between two worlds—its German heritage and its multi-ethnic nation. As such, it was easy for Nazi...

Date: 17 July, 2021

Jax doesn't want to be famous. Stalked by rabid fans, he dreams of when things were normal. But those days are gone. No one can stay under the radar if you're from the Jaynes family. As a part of the foster care system, all Sivan wants is peace and quiet. When they get put together on the same Iowa farm, all their expectations get blown to bits. FREE eBook From July 17 - 21, 2021

Date: 17 July, 2021

Have you ever felt so strongly attracted to a stranger that you still think of that person five years later? I have! When I met Charles, he was entirely out of my league, and when I tried to talk to him anyway, I made a big fool of myself.Now, I’ve been given a second chance to connect with my college crush. Unfortunately, the circumstances aren’t great as his family has hired me to get him out of what they suspect is a cult. I’m ready to help any way I can, but will Charles even remember me? With degrees in...

Date: 17 July, 2021

Whether you're a total beginner or seasoned veteran, in Black Thumb Greenhouse you will learn the simplest way to extend your growing season, overwinter plants, and grow plants not typically suited to your climate. And for only 99 cents, you can't afford not to give it a shot! Get your copy today! 99 Cent Bargain Book on July 17, 2021

Date: 16 July, 2021

This is a collection of experiences and observations taken from the author’s job as a rural postman over the past 34 years and, in particular, as a village postman for 30 of those years. Much of what appears in the text is no longer common practice as times have changed and many work place practices are different. Mad World started out simply as emails to a few friends and covers a wide range of subjects in addition to the day job. Anything that was considered to be humorous, unusual or bizarre often made it onto paper. FREE eBook From July...

Date: 16 July, 2021

Seeking escape from a boring job, in 1962 Len Norman joined the Northern Rhodesia Police. Over the next three years his yearning for adventure was amply fulfilled with postings to the Victoria Falls and Kalomo, a bush station covering the Kafue National Park, and a brief detachment to deal with a violent uprising in the Northern Province. FREE eBook From July 16 - 18, 2021

Date: 16 July, 2021

When one journey ends, another begins. Working a dead-end job and newly single, Jules decides that she’s going to finally go after her dream of owning a cafe. She needs savings to get there and while searching for the perfect side job, she’s stumbled upon a very quick but illegal path. Through this new venture she meets three very different men she’d never dream she’d become entangled with. They all seem to offer her something she needs as she climbs her way to her goal; and, she finds herself unwilling to part with any of them. They are beautiful, alluring,...

Date: 15 July, 2021

Liz owns an antiques shop, following her mother. Her first job was at a biscuit factory, where she rose through the ranks from packer to inspector. She met Michael, who took her out on dates and tried to seduce her, so she resigned and became a teacher. And then WWII starts. She met Stephen on a country walk and he enrolled in the Royal Navy, but is killed. Liz attends antiques sales to buy stock and she meets Roland, who tells her he was an airman. They marry and she leaves teaching, inheriting Stephen’s stock, to add to that of...