Genres : Health

Free $4.99
Date: 03/16/2022
When Despair Meets Delight: Stories to cultivate hope for those battling mental illness is both a memoir and a model for doing mental health ministry. By sharing his own story, Tony Roberts offers the hope...
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$1.99 $2.99
Date: 03/14/2022
A beginner's guide to Yoga and how it can be used to relieve stress. Step by step instructions, with illustrations showing how to perform simple poses. Easy to do and can be done daily to...
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$0.99 $2.99
Date: 03/12/2022
Fight inflammation with delicious food -- discover the ultimate diet for healing pain and discomfort.   Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?   Are you desperately looking for ways to jump-start...
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Free $9.99
Date: 03/08/2022
Do you believe society needs genuine, healthy masculinity?Masculinity, in any form, has been viciously attacked for decades with serious unintended consequences. We need boys to grow into responsible, productive men and fathers. We need their...
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Free $2.99
Date: 02/24/2022
The Amnesic Betrayal deals with the agony of a husband, Christopher Hall, whose wife Susan forgets him, their son Adam and their daughter Meryl completely. To add insult to injury, Susan starts a romantic relationship...
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$0.99 $3.99
Date: 02/18/2022
Want to raise your self-esteem and build confidence? Want the strength to stand up for yourself and your ideas? Are you struggling with bullying or know someone who does? If you often feel afraid of rocking...
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Free $8.99
Date: 02/14/2022
We are in a global transition in all areas and aspects of our lives. The necessary adjustments and practical ideas are needed for more people to align with the current changes.  The Manual For Humanity Thriving...
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$0.99 $9.99
Date: 02/11/2022
In A GPS for Bariatric Success, you will discover: ●       The most effective weight-loss strategy you should adopt, even if you decide not to get surgery●       How doing this breathing routine everyday can help improve your...
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Free $3.99
Date: 02/10/2022
The Secrets of the Care Sector is designed to expose all aspects of the health care assistant (HCA) role, from day-to-day standards to focusing on progress and pitfalls. Consider the following:Are you thinking of becoming...
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$0.99 $4.99
Date: 01/12/2022
You can be a great father starting now – even before you’ve met your babyCan’t wait to meet your little one, but also panicking because you don’t know what to do?Wish you could be more...
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