Deal : History of Medieval Europe
Date: 19 July, 2020
If you want to discover the captivating history of Charlemagne, then keep reading...Warrior. Ruler. Patron of the arts and language. Terrorist. Brutal oppressor. Protector of the good. Guardian of Christendom. Father of Europe. There are so many different ways in which Charlemagne can be described, and yet the man himself is often seen as an enigma. Depending on the viewpoint of history, he could have been either a monster or a guardian angel. Yet, as with most men, the truth lies somewhere in between. The truth is that he was human. Charlemagne, crowned emperor of Rome and king of the...
Date: 12 July, 2020
Explore Captivating Viking Tales and Sagas! Two captivating manuscripts in one book: - Viking Sagas: The Captivating Tale of Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar the Boneless, Lagertha, and More, in Their Historical Context - Tales from the Viking Age: Captivating Legendary and Historical Sagas The period between the end of the eighth century CE and the middle of the eleventh is often called the “Viking Age” because this is the period in which Scandinavian people expanded their contacts with the outside world through trade, raiding, exploration, and colonization. The first manuscript of this book presents a version of Ragnar’s saga compiled from...