Have you ever felt like your life needed a Total Makeover!? In this book, you will be presented with 52 simple and easy to implement steps that will guide you through the process of renovating your life.
In Chapter 1, we will concentrate on developing your spiritual and emotional well-being. You will learn the importance of being more thankful, doing for others and serving a higher purpose. We will discuss eliminating negative thoughts and emotions, and becoming a more positive and optimistic person. You will learn the importance of exercising your mind, and being attentive to the best use of your time.
In Chapter 2, we will focus on upgrading your physical conditioning. We will talk about how important it is for you to become more active. We will talk about the importance of setting physical achievement goals, and will cover several more ideas about how to better take care of your body.
In Chapter 3, we will look at ways to improve your social interactions. We will consider the concept of being a good friend, how to have better and more effective communication with others, and how to better demonstrate the value of other individuals. You will be encouraged to get out and explore your world.
Finally, in Chapter 4, we will delve into ways to maximize your financial resources while still having fun. You will learn that delayed gratification does not equate with denied gratification, and we will emphasize the importance of avoiding/eliminating consumer debt.